East Library will begin an elevator modernization project lasting approximately six weeks on Wed., March 12.

The Library will remain open, but the 2nd floor will only have stair access. Visit ppld.org/east-library-improvements for more information.  

Skean Dubh - Palmer Lake Library Village Green Concert

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Program Description

Event Details

Celebrate summer with a live three concert series of music at the Palmer Lake Village Green!

The second concert of the series features the Celtic music of Skean Dubh.  Skean Dubh is one of the most highly sought after acoustic Celtic bands in the Rocky Mountain region. Featuring unforgettable vocals, hauntingly beautiful uilleann bagpiping, sophisticated fiddle, and engaging rhythms.  Find out more about them and hear samples of their music at www.reverbnation.com/skeandubhband.

This is a free concert, and everyone is welcome to attend.  Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy this one-hour performance.  The Village Green and gazebo are located right next to the Palmer Lake Library, 66 Lower Glenway Street.