Manitou Springs Library is temporarily closed to prepare for its move in early 2025. 

DYE LAB-Silhouettes Class $30

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This is not a library sponsored event.


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Description: Silhouettes are portraits without fine detail, only an outline filled with a solid color, referencing a shadow. The harshness and detail of expression is softened as silhouettes provide for a simple elegant portrayal of an object of attention.

In this class we will learn to transform materials into least two silhouettes within a decorative scene. The size of the piece varies from 8 by 10 to 5 by 7 inches.

Please do not hesitate to bring your own materials/supplies too (including exacto blades)

Ages: 10 and up (under 18s must be supervised by an adult)

Cost: $30

Teacher: Midknight (Lisa Murphy-Noon)

Register and Pay $30 Here