Manitou Springs Library is temporarily closed to prepare for its move in early 2025. 

DYE LAB-Display of Recycled Material Manitou $120

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This is not a library sponsored event.


Image removed.

Description: We will be making a multi-media sculpture of Manitou as though it were a tower-like building, including a parking lot around the base, using recycled materials.

Sculptures will be on display at First Friday Art show in September.

Chuck Murphy is a well-known local philanthropist and steward of historic buildings. Chuck will be presenting at the July 2nd class. 

1st session: arranging and painting cardboard

2nd session: gluing sections

3rd session: construction of sections onto a whole sculpture

4th session: Creating parking lot around the bottom of the sculpture

Ages: 10 and up (under 18s must be supervised by an adult)

Cost: $120

Teacher: Midknight (Lisa Murphy-Noon)

Register and Pay $120 HERE