Friends Book Sale
Sales tax will be charged. If you are tax-exempt, please bring your sales-tax exempt certificate to avoid paying sales tax on your purchase.
Friends Book Sale
Sales tax will be charged. If you are tax-exempt, please bring your sales-tax exempt certificate to avoid paying sales tax on your purchase.
Friends Book Sale
Sales tax will be charged. If you are tax-exempt, please bring your sales-tax exempt certificate to avoid paying sales tax on your purchase.
Songs, rhymes, stories, and fun for toddlers ages 1 – 2, and their parents or caregivers. Space is limited.
Sensory accommodations: The Service Desk can provide sensory accommodation items such as fidget toys or noise-reducing headphones for you or your child to use while in the Library. If these will benefit your Library experience, please ask about our Sensory Accommodations Kit!
Engineering your best LEGO creation, completing LEGO challenges, and producing LEGO Art are only some of the possibilities at this open-ended LEGO program using PPLD’s LEGO resources. Join us for the fun! Ages 5 - 12.
Sensory accommodations: The Service Desk can provide sensory accommodation items such as fidget toys or noise-reducing headphones for you or your child to use while in the Library. If these will benefit your Library experience, please ask about our Sensory Accommodations Kit!
Practice reading aloud and improve fluency by sharing a story with one of our lovable Paws to Read therapy dogs.