Need help with your laptop, smartphone, or tablet? Stop by our Device Drop-In during this time to see if we can help!
Make-a-Masterpiece: Lights! Camera! Action Figures!
Homeschoolers: Design a graffiti-inspired masterpiece featuring the bold and boisterous action figures of graphic artist Keith Haring. Your creation will focus on line, color, and movement in this playful comic style art.
One slot per month: Due to the popularity of this program, please limit your registration to one slot per month.
One slot per participant: Please register for only one session so that others can attend the program. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration so that others can participate.
Interested in stitching, knitting, crocheting, and more? Bring your stitching, knitting, crocheting project, or more and socialize with other crafters.
Speak English groups are fun English language conversation groups for adults with intermediate and advanced English skills.
Each group meets once a week for two hours to practice English.
Stories and more for children ages 3-7, and their parents or caregivers.
Room capacity: Due to the popularity of this program and to meet fire code requirements for meeting rooms, please arrive early to get a spot. If we are unable to accommodate you for the program, we welcome you to have fun playing in our play spaces.
Sensory accommodations: The Service Desk can provide sensory accommodation items such as fidget toys or noise-reducing headphones for you or your child to use while in the Library. If these will benefit your Library experience, please ask about our Sensory Accommodations Kit!
Stories and more for children ages 3-7, and their parents or caregivers.
Stories and more for children ages 3-7, and their parents or caregivers.
Stories and more for children ages 3-7, and their parents or caregivers.
Sensory accommodations: The Service Desk can provide sensory accommodation items such as fidget toys or noise-reducing headphones for you or your child to use while in the Library. If these will benefit your Library experience, please ask about our Sensory Accommodations Kit!
Enjoy a beverage and learn about Library resources.
Need help with your laptop, smartphone, or tablet? Stop by our Drop-In Device Lab from 1:30-3:00pm on the 2nd Friday of every month and our staff will assist you.
Gain new sewing skills! Learn the basics of sewing to create a basic project using a sewing machine.
No previous experience required. All supplies will be provided. Ages 9 and up.
Creative space agreement: Patrons under 18 will need a signed Creative Space Use Agreement for Minors to use the makerspaces. You are encouraged to submit this at the class so that we have it on file. You must be at least 9 years of age to be in the makerspaces or to attend this class. Children ages 9 – 11 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Explore constellations with activities such as making a star projector, creating a “magic” toothpick star, constructing toothpick constellations, and playing constellation games. Ages 5 - 12.
Large groups: If you have a group of 10 or more who wish to participate, please call the Library you plan to attend before your visit or program participation to confirm space.
Sensory accommodations: The Service Desk can provide sensory accommodation items such as fidget toys or noise-reducing headphones for you or your child to use while in the Library. If these will benefit your Library experience, please ask about our Sensory Accommodations Kit!