The Makerspaces at Library 21c will open at 2pm due to a class.
East Library will undergo parking lot repairs starting Tue., Sept. 3.
Repairs are expected to take approximately one month. Visit our project update page for more information.
Join local yoga instructor Svetlana Nudelman in this
Pikes Peak Poet Laureate Global Poetry Experience - Session #2 -"Belonging" - Erbil, Iraq
September 9: "Belonging" with representatives at Erbil, Iraq
Improv Workshop come laugh and have fun, you will enjoy this intro to improv.
Bag fresh sewing skills! Learn the basics of sewing to create a simple drawstring pouch using a sewing machine.
Learn and practice the Russian language.
Chapter Meeting with bottled water
One and two-year old children, with a favorite adult, participate in nursery rhymes, music and movement, and listen to a few short books.
Americans and the Holocaust Traveling Exhibit Opening Reception
Join us for an opening reception to officially launch the Americans and the Holocaust Exhibit at the East Library. Opening remarks will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Using TikTok To Maximize Your Business
This 3-part series will teach you to how TikTok can help you to promote and grow your business. You will be registered for all 3 classes when you register.
Watercolor Class - sign up through:
Alpha Family's meeting
Sorority conducting an annual conference meeting with visiting guests.
In collaboration with Who Gives a SCRAP Creati
The League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region (LWVPPR) presents Rock the Vote: Rock Painting!
Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum Lecture Series
This is for a baby shower.
Make an adorable, prickly, felt cactus pillow and learn basic hand sewing skills and techniques! Ages 12 - 18.
Play D&D with other young adults (18+), led by volunteer Dungeon Masters. No experience is required. For more information, contact Library 21C. Registration is required.
For parents and caregivers with children 1 - 3 years old. Hosted at
PPLD's Family Place Libraries, please join us for an enjoyable
five-week playgroup, where you spend time together, play, make