The Makerspaces at Library 21c will have limited service today due to classes.
Rockrimmon Library will close on Sun., Dec. 1.
Manitou Springs Library is temporarily closed to prepare for its move in early 2025.
Join local yoga instructor Svetlana Nudelman in this
Bring a blanket and enjoy stories and rhymes outside.
In the event of inclement weather (rain, snow, or extreme temperature), the program will be cancelled.
Come explore the question of wha
Join us in reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, a love story that takes place after a disastrous marriage, and a man who has to make a choice between duty and passion.
summer school tutoring
Shake those wiggles out and have some fun! This 30-minute program consists of music and movement activities and a story.
For ages 2-3 accompanied by a favorite adult.
Bring a blanket and enjoy stories and rhymes outside.
In the event of inclement weather (rain, snow, or extreme temperature), the program will be cancelled.
Squeak the Mouse feels small and unimportant. But when a gigantic problem happens on the farm, can little Squeak help save the day? Join Magic Dave in this fun filled adventure with illusions, silly puppets and a story about working together.
Director Meeting
Come explore the question of wha
Senior Lunch and a Movie
Placeholder to reserve room
This is an informal Spanish conversation group, including intermediate-advanced students and native speakers. It is not an instructional time and no English is spoken during the meetings.
Join Alycia Kibby for a beginner's family friendl
Colorado Springs is fantastic place to play outside! Do you know how to leave no trace?
In this maker camp, participants will learn the basics of all things makerspace.
summer school tutoring
Practice reading
Monthly meeting for the Colorado Springs Open Source Software Group. We meet to discuss open source software topics to include software development, open source frameworks and tools.
Four local authors meeting to exchange notes on each other's work