East Library will begin an elevator modernization project lasting approximately six weeks on Wed., March 12.

The Library will remain open, but the 2nd floor will only have stair access. Visit ppld.org/east-library-improvements for more information.  

Youth Venture 10K - Launch Night

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This is not a library sponsored event.


Youth Ventures and Junior Achievement Southern Colorado will be collaborating this Spring 2023 to host the Youth Ventures 10K. Participating students and classrooms from throughout Southern Colorado will participate in three rounds of competition, and will learn how to present a business pitch, develop a lean business plan, and prepare a powerpoint presentation for their business. Business mentors will walk alongside each team as they progress through each of the three stages of the contest.

Participation will be limited to 10 teams. Each high school may submit one team. Each team is eligible to participate in all three (3) rounds of the contest. Participating teams will be assigned a JA volunteer mentor.

LAUNCH: Prior to the Launch event each team must complete JA Company Program - Meetings 6-11: Finance, Leadership and Management, Marketing, Sales & Supply Chain (four total sessions). Each team should be prepared to share a written lean business plan using the Lean Canvas template and present a 10 minute Powerpoint Presentation of their business, proof of concept, and growth plan as part of the Launch event on May 7th to a panel of judges, followed by 3 minutes of questions. Each participating team will receive $300 in seed capital to invest in their business prior to the launch stage of the contest. A grand prize of $5,000 will be awarded by the judging panel to the winning team with a runner up prize of $1,000. An audience prize of $500 will be awarded at the conclusion of the event.