Manitou Springs Library is temporarily closed to prepare for its move in early 2025. 

Spruce Health Group Diabetes & Metabolic Therapies Lunch and Learn

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This is not a library sponsored event.


Dr. Andrew Allen, one of the founding Partners of Spruce Health Group, will present an insightful seminar about a new treatment for metabolic disorders. Diabetes and Metabolic Therapies is a groundbreaking, advanced treatment for neuropathy (and other diabetes symptoms) that helps to greatly improve circulation and blood flow, and reduce nerve pain.
This new approach uses a unique infusion-based therapy called Physiologic Insulin Resensitization that addresses the primary cause of metabolic disorders, instead of simply suppressing the symptoms.
If you or a loved one suffer from...
✅ Tingling/Feeling of Pins & Needles in the Hands & Feet
✅ Burning Pain
✅ Numbness
✅ Spontaneous pain without a trigger
Register and attend this seminar. Open to the public but you must be registered. Name, email and phone number required.