Manitou Springs Library is temporarily closed to prepare for its move in early 2025. 


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Printmaking Certification Workshop is for members who have this level of printmaking expertise:

  • Beginners 
  • Competent

Please see MAC Staff if you would like to be certified to use the printmaking studio and you have this level of expertise:

  • Proficient
  • Expert

Members will benefit from learning the 'house rules' of the MAC printmaking studio and the printing press so they are able to use them independently.

Learning Objective

To have an understanding of:

  • the process of printmaking (basic)
  • single and reductive prints
  • the tools and the safe use of tools when making a linocut
  • proper printing press etiquette

Learning Outcome

Once certified a member will be able to:

  • Produce a linocut print using the studio tools and printing press
  • Use the tools and equipment respectfully 
  • identify communal and private areas and equipment within the printmaking studio

Membership Types and Access to the Printmaking Studio

Once certified a member will be able to use the Printmaking Studio independently depending on membership type:

  • Certified library card members will have access to the Printmaking Studio during the hours of 10am-6pm Tuesday to Thursday and 10am-5pm Friday and Saturday
  • Certified members who have red entry badges will have access to the Printmaking Studio for 22hrs a days, 7 days a week.

Teacher: Scott Sampson

MAC Makerspace Members Register HERE

Get a FREE membership to the Manitou Art Center Makerspace using your PPLD library card. Come down to the MAC to learn more!