The Mompreneur Network recognizes that being a parent and an entrepreneur combine to form a lifestyle, and should not be treated as two separate jobs. The Mompreneur Network is a relationship networking group that strives to educate, motivate, inspire and help grow the Mompreneur as a woman, parent, and a business owner, using tools and techniques designed to help her work smarter, not harder.
Join in on our network meeting to experience our community and learn more about membership!
What to expect at our network meeting? We run a structured, timed meeting. During the meeting you can expect to hear education from our education advisor, commercials from each member and a presentation from our featured member. As a guest you will also have an opportunity, 1 minute, to talk about yourself and your business. After the meeting, guests sit with our Recruitment chairs to talk about membership with the network and they answer any questions guests have.
Please RSVP at this link so we know to expect you and we can update you if there are any meeting changes: