East Library will begin an elevator modernization project lasting approximately six weeks on Wed., March 12.

The Library will remain open, but the 2nd floor will only have stair access. Visit ppld.org/east-library-improvements for more information.  

Four-Part Medicare Series : Medicare Part D

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Event Type:

Class, Seniors, Virtual Program

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Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Four-Part Medicare 101 Webinars : Medicare Part D 

The Four-Part Medicare Series dives beyond the basics into Medicare and retirement. This series is designed to provide information to guide and support you as you make important health care decisions that affect the rest of your life. Presented by the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging’s Senior Insurance Assistance department, the State Health Insurance Program, or SHIP. SHIP counselors do not sell or endorse any insurance products or companies. The Medicare series is designed to answer questions and provide information to help older adults and others who are becoming eligible for Medicare, make the most informed choices.

                     Register Here

This course explains the newest benefit of Medicare, Part D, for prescription drug coverage.  Details how Part D works, how to get it, what the costs are for Part D, eligibility and how to apply for financial assistance with Part D costs for those with low incomes.  Will also discuss other cost saving options available to consumers enrolled in Part D.