East Library will begin an elevator modernization project lasting approximately six weeks on Wed., March 12.

The Library will remain open, but the 2nd floor will only have stair access. Visit ppld.org/east-library-improvements for more information.  

ERC Make-a-Masterpiece: Pop Art Collagraph Printmaking

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Kids 0-5, Tween 9-12
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 7 to 13

Program Description

Event Details

Discover the connection between delicious cupcake inspiration and modern day artists Wayne Thiebaud and Andy Warhol as you join us in designing a collagraph and diving into the printmaking process, all with a Pop Art twist!

For ages 7-13.  Please register each student who will be attending.

**This program takes place in the East Community Room on the first floor of the building.**

A second session of the same program is offered on February 11 at 10:00 AM.