Credit Repair Lunch and Learn

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This is not a library sponsored event.


This is a presentation by a local Credit restoration/repair company for Realtors. This will help enlighten realtors of the credit challenges faced by many buyers today and how to help overcome them.
The 5 Areas of Mortgage FICO, and why these scores are different from all other Credit Scores.
Credit Cards: How they weigh on score, and how to maximize point return from them.
Credit Card Statement Date - V – Due date and how they affect Mortgage FICO.
How closing a revolving account effects the 5 Areas of FICO.
How closing an installment loan effects the 5 Areas of FICO.
Inactive Accounts: When and how to use them to grow your existing score.
Children: How to set your child up for Credit Success!
Lunch included! RSVP for your lunch ticket. Includes sandwich, chips and a drink!

Seats are limited!!!